Wilting Coleus - Knowledgebase Question

Rochester, NY
Avatar for robbie09
Question by robbie09
December 6, 1999
I have two coleus plants I brought inside for the winter. They were in full sun, then gradually moved to shade. They were brought into a small sun room with all windows. One plant was in the middle of the room with bright light, the other in a back corner in full sun (when the sun shines here). The one in full sun is growing slowly but doing well. The one in bright light was growing crazy and is now dying. Do they need full sun indoors, and at what temperature?

Answer from NGA
December 6, 1999
Coleus will adapt to a range of light conditions indoors. The more light, the more they will grow and the more water they need as a result. They also tolerate a range of temperatures but object to being cold; average to warm household temperatures should be fine. Wilting or browning could be caused by several factors ranging from cold, to being potbound, to an insect problem. The plants also seem to eventually become woody and go into decline, so many people will take cuttings to start vigorous new plants from old favorites.

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