Dutchman Pipe Ivy - Knowledgebase Question

Westerly, RI
Avatar for JHurleypa
Question by JHurleypa
January 7, 2000
I want to grow Dutchman's Pipe Ivy on a trellis attached to our garage. The garage has aluminum siding on it. Can the ivy damage the garage? Is it hard to control this ivy?

Answer from NGA
January 7, 2000
Dutchman's Pipe (Aristolochia durior) is a woody vine and climbs by twining or wrapping itself around the trellis rather than by using "sticky pads" to cling to the surface. Therefore it requires a trellis and can't climb on siding the way English ivy can. You might keep an eye on it as it approaches the gutter so it doesn't wrap itself between that and the roofline. This vine is easily trimmed to size as needed, although it can grow rather large (to 30 feet) if left to itself.

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