Poinsettia Tree - Knowledgebase Question

Bakersfield:ca, CA
Avatar for flossy8951
Question by flossy8951
January 10, 2000
Is there such a plant as a poinsettia bush or tree?

Answer from NGA
January 10, 2000
Poinsettias are sold in many sizes, shapes and forms. This variety helps growers market their plants and provides a range of opportunities for new and innovative products. The following is a brief description of the most commonly grown items:

Mini Poinsettias: Plants range in size from 3-5 inches tall and are grown under extremely intensive conditions. While very popular in Europe, mini poinsettias have yet to catch-on in the U.S.

4-Inch: Poinsettias grown in 4-inch pots are very popular. These plants are typically produced 1 per pot and will reach a height of 10 -12 inches.

Pinched Plants: Typically grown in 6 or 8 inch pots, these plants are pinched to increase the number of lateral branches per plant. Each plant generally averages 4 - breaks per plant. Pinched poinsettias are the most popular form in the market.

Straight Ups: Also grown in 6 or 8 inch pots. These plants are not pinched, resulting in one very large infloresence with enlarged bracts. Often grown 3 - 4 plants per pot. Straight ups are a more traditional style of poinsettia.

Baskets: Baskets are becoming more popular for early season decorations in malls and other retail areas. Pot sizes can range from 10 - 20 inches in diameter. Baskets generally require 3 - 5 plants per pot.

Trees: A very unique style with a 2 - 3 foot trunk and 12 - 14 inch diameter flowering head. Trees require a lengthy growing season and have found limited success in the market. Extremely difficult to ship.

Bushes: Bushes are usually left-over stock plants that are carried on to flower. Although they have been more popular than trees, poinsettia bushes are also difficult to ship.

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