Growing Chayote in the North - Knowledgebase Question

Listowel, ON
Avatar for jcarmstr
Question by jcarmstr
January 10, 2000
I was given two chuchus by a friend. All I know is how good they are!!! I have them in 2 1/2 foot patio pots because I was told the yield is up to 100 fruit per plant at maturity. Do I fertilize them on a regular basis? How much water and sun do they need. Should they be pruned or trellised?

Answer from NGA
January 10, 2000
during dry weather. An application of fish emulsion every two to three weeks will be needed. The vines are susceptible to the same insects that attack squash plants, as well as whiteflies. Use insecticidal soap to minimize insect damage.

Harvest the fruits before the flower end (bottom) of the fruits begin to split open. Following harvest they may be stored for several weeks if wrapped in newspaper and stored in the refrigerator (50-55 degrees F). Chayote is served in many ways: steamed, boiled, sauteed, roasted, fried, stuffed, baked, pickled, or baked in pies, but not raw. The large seed is also edible, with many of the vegetable's proponents insisting that the seed is the best part. Second year roots can also be harvested and used as potatoes.
during dry weather. An application of fish emulsion every two to three weeks will be needed. The vines are susceptible to the same insects that attack squash plants, as well as whiteflies. Use insecticidal soap to minimize insect damage.

Harvest the fruits before the flower end (bottom) of the fruits begin to split open. Following harvest they may be stored for several weeks if wrapped in newspaper and stored in the refrigerator (50-55 degrees F). Chayote is served in many ways: steamed, boiled, sauteed, roasted, fried, stuffed, baked, pickled, or baked in pies, but not raw. The large seed is also edible, with many of the vegetable's proponents insisting that the seed is the best part. Second year roots can also be harvested and used as potatoes.

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