My problem is some sewer pipe that the city has mandated to be in the front of our home. The top of the white pipe is about 3 inches high. The front of my home is grass. I want to replace the area with plants to cover up these pipes. The pipes are next to the driveway in the front of my home. I was thinking of keeping a low border since it is next to the garage and not a fence line. Please help. |
The area sounds like a good place for a groundcover. Some of the higher growing groundcover plants include Vinca minor (periwinkle), Ajuga (carpet bugle), Artemisia, Asarum (wild ginger), Euonymus fortunei (winter creeper) and Pachysandra. Given ample water and regular feeding any of the above plants will make an attractive and useful sea of foliage and seasonal flowers to disguise the pipes. |