Growing Peas and Beans in Containers - Knowledgebase Question

Miamisburg, OH
Avatar for ledozier
Question by ledozier
January 19, 2000
I would like to plant some green beans and snow peas in containers this season because of limited space. How should I go about doing this and what types are the best producers for flavor and yield?

Answer from NGA
January 19, 2000
To start with, use a container that is at least 8" deep and at least 24 inches across (or square). Even though bush varieties of beans and peas need no staking in the garden, you may need to do some sort of trellising in a container. Fill the container with potting soil or a mix of potting soil and garden soil. Remember that when growing in a container, the roots cannot reach out for more moisture and nutrients, so you will have to supply it all. This means careful attention to watering and regular fertilizing.

As for beans, just about any of the bush varieties will work just fine. Some examples are Blue Lake Bush, Tenderpod, Early Bush Italian and Brittle Wax Yellow. Snowpeas will get taller so should have some sort of trellis. Some good varieties are Oregon Sugar Pod II (about 28" high) or Sugar Snow (about 32" high). Good luck!

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