I have a perpetual problem with scallions. I have completely eradicated them by hand tilling the soil and individually picking the bulbs out on two occasions. Each time they return despite treating the soil with "Preen". I cannot treat with weed killer such as "round up" due to perennial plantings. We live on the ocean where wind continually strips any mulch application off the beds. Is the soil in need of something such as lime? |
Wild onions can be a real pest. I suspect they are proliferating as both tiny offset bulbs and as seedlings. You might try using one of the air and water permeable landscape cloth mulches to try to limit their growth along with spot applications of a weed killer containing glyphosate. This can be done by wiping it on rather than spraying when there are many desirable plants intermingled with the weeds. Finally, you might try controlling them in nearby areas to limit the seed blowing in and of course, never allow them to set seed in your garden. |