Concrete and Roses - Knowledgebase Question

Mullens, WV
Avatar for wcatron
Question by wcatron
February 6, 2000
What does concrete leach-out that harms roses,and what chemical do I treat the area with,potassium or phosphorus?

Answer from NGA
February 6, 2000
Concrete may leach lime which raises the soil pH and thus may in some instances bother some plants which require an acid soil such as azaleas, but I would not expect it to affect roses in such a dramatic way. The best thing to do if you suspect a soil problem is to run some basic soil tests and see what is really going on, and then make any additions or changes based on the results. Unfortunately, there is no way you can tell about it just by looking. Your county extension (255-9321) should be able to help you with the tests and interpreting the results.

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