I have planted 5 boxwoods in a raised bed of rich top soil.Each plant was a foot high and in good condition. this was a week before the fist frost. the underside of all the leafs are showing orsticking straight. Also the plants leafs are looking brown.Is this from the plants not getting the proper nutrition and acidy soil. |
Some varieties of boxwood normally "bronze" during the winter but based on your description it could also be that the plants have dried out and/or died. If they are still alive, you might try making a windbreak and apply an antidessicant spray according to the label instructions. Also be sure that the soil is moist (but not soggy) and apply several inches of organic mulch over the root zones. It is usually better to plant broad leafed evergreens in the spring to reduce the risk of water stress during the late fall and winter while their roots are not yet established. |