Fertilizing Growing Medium - Knowledgebase Question

Bridgewater, NJ
Avatar for KennyAber
Question by KennyAber
February 6, 2000
Should I add any type of fertilizer to my growing medium of vermiculite, perlite and peat moss before I begin to grow my Burpee seeds? If so, what kind? If not, when do they get fed?

Answer from NGA
February 6, 2000
Newly planted seeds do not need fertilizer. Fertilizer can burn newly emerging tender roots. Once they have germinated and have true leaves you can use a very dilute water soluble fertilizer occasionally and gradually increase the strength. Some gardeners will also use compost tea or a seaweed based solution to provide additional nutrients besides the three basics found in "complete" fertilizers (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium).

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