Moving Primula Outdoors - Knowledgebase Question

St. Charles, MO
Avatar for joy71661
Question by joy71661
February 14, 2000
I was recently give several assorted primulas, and was told that I could plant them outside in the spring. I have been keeping them in my window and watering them regularly. The plants look healthy but show no signs of new flower buds. How do I get them to produce new buds so that they will have flowers when I transplant them outdoors? Do they bloom more than once per season?

Answer from NGA
February 14, 2000
Primula are delightful late-winter and early-spring-blooming plants. After their early-season bloom, Primulas take a break from blooming until the next year, though some bloom again in the autumn. I suspect that the indoor temperatures are a bit high for your cold-tolerant primroses. It's best to provide a bright, cool, and moist environment for them. Enjoy!

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