I want to transplant my peonies from my old yard to my new one. When is the best time of the year to do it? We've had a early spring thaw here and was wondering if it would be ok to do it shortly, before they sprout. |
Peonies should be planted or transplanted in the early fall, in deep, rich, moist soil. Dig a hole at least 1 1/2 feet deep (roots go this far down!) and amend the soil with lots of organic matter to help loosen the soil and to retain moisture. Then backfill, planting the dormant root clump so that the eyes are no deeper than about 2 inches under the surface of the soil. Peonies don't like to be disturbed when they're actively growing, but you can transplant now (in the spring). The plants may not bloom this year, but should otherwise adjust to the transplanting process. |