Tulips - Knowledgebase Question

Eastham, MA
Avatar for sarahr7
Question by sarahr7
March 3, 2000
Do you have to plant tulips every year or do tulip divide and make more tulips?

Answer from NGA
March 3, 2000
The answer to your question depends on the type of tulips you are growing and on the type of display you prefer. Larger sized bulbs produce larger blooms, so some gardeners prefer to replant every year with top size bulbs. If you leave the bulbs in place, eventually the bulbs will divide and produce smaller sized bulbs which may or may not bloom well for you. Some varieties of tulip simply fade away in the garden, but others will persist. These can be lifted and grown in a nursery bed until they are large enough to bloom well. Some types of tulips however perennialize better than others. The small, species tulips, for instance, tend to naturalize well and can be left in place for years.

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