Vegetable Gardening in Cool California - Knowledgebase Question

Walnut Creek, CA
Avatar for susanmcnamee
Question by susanmcnamee
March 14, 2000
When do I start planting my vegetables and what vegetables grow best in the east bay area of San Francisco area?

Answer from NGA
March 14, 2000
In your short, cool-season climate, choose varieties that ripen early. Some suggestions include kale, lettuce, swiss chard, squash, carrots, beets, potatoes, broccoli, cabbage and short season tomatoes such as 'Siberia' and 'Northern Exposure'.

You can begin planting these crops in mid-April, with the exception of tomatoes, which should go into the ground in late May.

For best results choose the sunniest site possible for you veggie garden.

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