Getting Rid of Locust Trees - Knowledgebase Question

Altoona, PA
Avatar for soozee3
Question by soozee3
March 19, 2000
We cannot seem to rid our yard of our locust tree that we cut down several years ago. Little ones keep cropping up all over our yard. How can I get rid of them?

Answer from NGA
March 19, 2000
Perhaps a neighbor still has a locust tree in the vicinity, and it is reseeding in your yard. Locust seeds are such easy starters that the trees are often considered weed-trees. I bet you are the unwilling recipient of these free trees. They sure can be a nuisance. Mowing keeps them under control in the lawn, but in the garden it takes continued effort to keep them pulled. Maybe you can offer to pay your neighbor to have it cut down and buy him a more acceptable tree!

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