Clematis Grown On Topiary - Knowledgebase Question

Plainview, NY
Avatar for jloeffler2
Question by jloeffler2
March 23, 2000
I am interested in purchasing two 6 foot iron topiaries for my backyard. Instead of growing the usual ivy, can I grow clematis instead & train it on the metal topiary. If so, any recommended clematis flower to bloom throughout the summer.

Answer from NGA
March 23, 2000
You could train a clematis onto a traditonal shaped topiary frame if you added a smaller mesh for it to attach itself to. The effect however probably would not be a solid sheet but rather a bit loose and vague. For this reason I wouldn't recommend this as the best vine for the purpose. If by topiary frame however you are thinking of something like a rose pillar or an obelisk, the clematis would be quite charming.

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