Spots on Azalea Leaves - Knowledgebase Question

Name: Grist David
Avatar for davidg4
Question by davidg4
March 28, 2000
I have brown and yellow spots on my older azalea bush. It still has buds but has not bloomed. What should I do? My other azaleas have already bloomed.

Answer from NGA
March 28, 2000
It sounds like your azaleas are suffering from fungal leaf spot, but it's really not possible to tell without seeing the plants. Fungal leaf spot tends to attack weakened bushes (it sounds like the other azaleas are strong and vigorous, and have been able to fight off the disease organism). First, send or take a sample to your cooperative extension service (ph# 444-1755) so they can verify the source of the problem. If fungus is the problem, pick up and destroy any fallen leaves to reduce the amount of spores in the area. The extension service may suggest using a copper fungicide to prevent the spread of the disease.

To bring your azalea back to good health, make sure it receives the correct amount of moisture and adequate -- not too much -- fertilizer during the growing season. I hope this helps!

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