Sod lifter or cutter - Knowledgebase Question

Name: Grist David
Avatar for davidg4
Question by davidg4
March 31, 2000
Hi I'm been trying to find a "sod lifter". From what I've seen it has an angled handle with a heart shaped shovel end I'm trying to remove my lawn so as to make the garden bed larger and a regular shovel doesn't work very well (my aching back).

Answer from NGA
March 31, 2000
I think you need a sod cutter. These can be rented for a day or a half a day and do the job very quickly, but they do require some upper body strength to operate. You might try asking locally at places where they rent tillers and similar types of equipment.

Another approach would be to conserve all that good organic matter by turning it under rather than removing it. This will allow the sod to compost in place and help to enrich the soil.

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