Lemon And Lime Trees - Knowledgebase Question

Westfield, PA
Avatar for tgitto
Question by tgitto
April 1, 2000
How do you take care of fruit trees? They don't come with any instructions.

Answer from NGA
April 1, 2000
Citrus trees can be grown as container plants year round. You will need to bring them indoors each winter to either a cool greenhouse or another cool, bright, and humid location because they can't handle temperatures below 26 degrees. If your trees are grafted onto a dwarfing root stock or are among the naturally smaller citrus varieties, expect them to reach a size of five or six feet and need a rather large tub or similar container. During the growing season, keep them evenly moist but not sopping wet and provide them with plenty of sunshine. Fertilize according to the label instructions with a fertilizer containing micronutrients (particularly zinc, iron and manganese) as well as the usual nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium found in complete fertilizers. During the winter, reduce the watering somewhat when they slow their growth. Finally, be sure to acclimate them slowly when moving them from indoors to out and vice versa. Enjoy your trees!

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