Lemons Turning To Stone - Knowledgebase Question

San Gabriel, CA
April 9, 2000
I have a well-established lemon tree. However, this year the fruit has grey spots on them that feel like concrete. Some of the lemons have turned completely to what feels like stone. Could you tell me if this is a virus? Can I spray something that would cure this? Does the tree have to be destroyed? Thank you in advance for any advice that you can give me.

Answer from NGA
April 9, 2000
If the "spots" are corky and raised, then it's most likely scab, but I can't find reference to any diseases that make the fruit turn hard like that. If it is scab, you can control it without having to sacrifice the tree. To get a positive i.d. of the problem, contact your county cooperative extension office (ph# 323/838-8330) and ask for directions for getting a diagnosis. Good luck to you!

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