How To Remedy Sugar Maple Infested With Carpenter Ants? - Knowledgebase Question

Allentown, PA
Avatar for wk35
Question by wk35
April 11, 2000

We have a sugar maple that is infested with carpenter ants.
There is a large cavity in the base of the trunk from their activity. It is a 45 yr. old shade tree and in fairly good shape. We'd hate to lose it.
Is there a safe and effective way of exterminating these parasites without killing the tree?

Answer from NGA
April 11, 2000
I would be very concerned about any activity within the tree trunk since you have no way of evaluating any internal damage, decay or weakening. I would strongly recommend you consult with a professionally trained arborist who specializes in evaluating tree health and safety right away! Such a professional should also be able to make recommendations about the ants. I'm really sorry about your tree and I am worried that it may not be at all safe.

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