Help me with my Fiddle Leaf Fig? - Knowledgebase Question

Austin, TX
Avatar for EllenFB
Question by EllenFB
September 11, 2017
I bought a fiddle leaf fig tree about a month & half ago. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. It's indoors. I'm watering it with 2 cups of water once a week (bottled or spring water) as recommended. It's not root-bound. It's in a southwest window and gets lots light but not direct b/c on a window where patio is covered. It seems to be occurring mostly on one side. Been rotating it once a week. More leaves are starting to get black edges. I love it and want it to be happy. Any ideas? I'm a rookie with indoor plants.
Thumb of 2017-09-11/EllenFB/8efd44

Name: Carol
Santa Ana, ca
Sunset zone 22, USDA zone 10 A.
A comment from ctcarol
September 11, 2017
Does that pot have a drainage hole? 2 cups of water on a schedule is not the ideal way to water any plant.

Austin, TX
Avatar for EllenFB
A comment from EllenFB
September 11, 2017
Yes it has holes and adequate drainage. It's in its original pot (not root-bound at all) inside of that big ceramic pot. And inside the big ceramic pot, under its original pot that it is in, I have it sitting on 2" of pebble rocks to help with drainage. I check to make sure and rocks have stayed dry. I always check and make sure top of soil is dry before watering. I have just been watering once a week b/c want to avoid shallow watering. What do you suggest?

Name: Carol
Santa Ana, ca
Sunset zone 22, USDA zone 10 A.
A comment from ctcarol
September 11, 2017
With any potted plant I water until it comes out the drainage hole to flush any fertilizer salts out, then don't water again until soil is dry about half way down, depending on the type of plant, and it's water requirements. You can use a moisture meter, a wood chopstick, or a freshly sharpened pencil to check.

Name: Will Creed
Prof. plant consultant & educator
Answer from WillC
September 15, 2017
It is hard to assess the light that you described, but I suspect the covered patio is not allowing adequate light through the window. Fiddle-leafed Figs tolerate several hours of direct sunlight each day quite well. More often than not, people don't provide enough light.

It is good that yours is still in its nursery pot and sitting on pebbles. Water it as soon as the surface of the soil is dry. Allowing the soil to dry more than half an inch deep is too dry for this plant. When you water, slowly add water all around until you see some trickling through the drain holes and onto the pebbles. Water again when the top surface is dry. Use your finger to make that determination.

Austin, TX
Avatar for EllenFB
A comment from EllenFB
September 15, 2017
Thank you so much! This is really helpful!!

Avatar for GaySpeer
Answer from GaySpeer
July 24, 2018
I have had my fiddle-leaf for at least two years. It is now over four feet tall. I just transplanted it to a larger pot, but not too much larger than the one I had. I too only use Two ups a water a week and I too give it a turn each week. I turn mine 3/4 turn each week. My plant is in the East side of my house, I have a bay window and I give it light everyday. It is back about 4' from my window. I was told by the nursery that it should only have 1 cup of water per week, but it was small then.
Thumb of 2018-07-24/GaySpeer/05ec33

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