Impatients And Pine Trees/acidic Soil - Knowledgebase Question

Otisville, NY
Avatar for bonf
Question by bonf
April 14, 2000
We've always planted impatients in our front yard under pine trees and they never grow very good. I heard that impatients grown under pine trees don't grow good due to the soil. I heard that the pine trees make the soil to acidic for the impatients. Is this true? If so, what flower would you recommend to grow in a shady spot under pine trees, or how could we fix this problem?

Answer from NGA
April 14, 2000
Pine trees can acidify the soil, but they also rob the area of both moisture and nutrients. All of these factors would contribute to impatiens growing poorly and would make it tough to grow any flowers well. The best way to circumvent the problem is to plant the annuals in large containers where you can fertilize and water them without competing with the tree roots.

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