Last Fall, I planted several mums and would like some tips on their care. What should I be doing now to insure continued healthy growth of mums? |
Mums seem to do better if divided every spring so that the most vigorous outer edges of the plant are replanted and the woodier, worn-out inner section can be discarded. Do this in early spring when they are just beginning to grow. Replant in an area with good, rich soil in full sun where the drainage is excellent, meaning the soil can be kept evenly moist but not soggy. These plants should be given compost and/or fertilizer in early spring, again in late spring and one more time in mid summer to keep them growing vigorously. They also need to be pinched regularly to keep them bushy and thick. Pinch the tips off each time they grow about three or four inches to ecourage branching and consequently more buds. Stop pinching in July so the flowers have plenty of time to form. |