Bromeliad Care - Knowledgebase Question

Oceanside, CA
Avatar for gunkler
Question by gunkler
April 18, 2000
Will bromeliads thrive out of doors and if so how should they be cared for?

Answer from NGA
April 18, 2000
Bromeliads are tropical in nature and although you live in a mild climate, there's still some cold weather during your winter. To keep your bromeliad healthy, pot it up and move it outdoors during the summer months and back indoors again during the winter months. Bromeliads have arching leaves and a distinct central 'vase' from which a stout stalk emerges, bearing a bold flower-head. The secrets to successful growing include average household temperatures (heat during summer is what brings plants into flower), bright light but no direct sunlight, well-draining soil, and occasional feeding. Keep the soil just barely damp and fill the 'vase' with water, replenishing as needed. Every 4-6 weeks dump the water out and start over with fresh water. Mist the leaves in summer, substituting a dilute liquid fertilizer in the sprayer every few weeks, to provide nutrients to your plant.

As your bromeliad matures, little offsets will appear at the base of the plant. When these offsets have developed roots of their own, break off and plant in sharp sand or seed starting mix. They'll become established plants in a few short months.

Hope we've answered all your questions!

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