Dividing Peony - Knowledgebase Question

Belmont, MI
Avatar for kpearlrd
Question by kpearlrd
April 24, 2000
How do you divide a peony in the spring?

Answer from NGA
April 24, 2000
Peony plants can be divided to start new beds and is best done in late summer or fall. To divide peonies, separate a portion of the peony clump by inserting a spade shovel and making a vertical cut into the root ball. Dig up this portion, and replantin a carefully prepared bed. (Fill in the hole left next to the parent plant with rich soil.) Or you can dig up the entire peony plant and prune off a section of the root ball. Then replant both sections in prepared beds. Be as gentle as possible with the peony plants; they are sensitive and can be difficult to transplant.

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