Azaleas for Texas - Knowledgebase Question

Luling, TX
Avatar for dfl2
Question by dfl2
April 25, 2000
What are the best type of azalea to grow in this part of Texas?

Answer from NGA
April 25, 2000

There are a number of good varieties of azaleas to grow. As a general rule the smaller leaf types do better in more sun exposure locations than do the larger leaf types which insist on considerable shade. They want to be in a partial shade or bright shade location.

The key to azalea culture is a rich, well-drained soil mix with plenty of organic matter (compost or peat moss). Azaleas insist on acidic soil conditions which may be a problem in most of the western 2/3 of the state of Texas. If you have rainwater to use in watering them that is even better as tap water supplies are often high in calcium and pH levels.

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