Transplanting Blueberry Bushes - Knowledgebase Question

Manheim, PA
Avatar for nala9
Question by nala9
April 26, 2000
I need to transplant some blueberry bushes now. It is the end of April and they are not dormant anymore. Is it worth the effort or will they probably just die. If its worth a try, do you have any pointers.

Answer from NGA
April 26, 2000
It would be better to move them in very early spring or in the fall, but it's always worth a try. Make sure they are well watered the day before you dig them up and prepare the new planting location ahead of time. Make sure the new location has soil appropriate for blueberries -- extremely acid, humusy, evenly moist yet well drained.

These shrubs are shallow rooted, so take a very wide rootball. Take as much of the root mass as you possibly can, and since it will be heavy, maneuver it onto a tarp or similar device so you can drag it to the new location. Replant at the same depth it originally grew, water well, mulch, and then water as needed to keep the soil evenly moist but not soggy, just as you would for a newly planted shrub. If it seems you have left a good bit of root behind, trim back the top to keep it in proportion to the remaining roots.

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