"deer " - Knowledgebase Question

North Tonawanda, NY
Avatar for kristinmcnam
Question by kristinmcnam
May 19, 2000
I get ten to twelve deer in my yard at a time. They eat my blossoms and bushes. I don't want to keep my gardens fenced in, its ugly. What can I do?

Answer from NGA
May 19, 2000
Unfortunately, when there is a heavy deer browse problem such as the one you are describing, the only reliable long term solution is a fence. Wire fencing in black mesh or in plain strands of electric fence wire are relatively unobtrusive against a background of greenery. Wooden fencing can be stained or covered with vines to help it blend in better. Alternatively you can certainly try using repellents, either the commercially formulated types or home made sprays based on garlic and/or red pepper or any of the other folk remedies that have worked for others at one time or another, from human hair to blood meal to hanging bars of soap.

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