Cucumber Germination - Knowledgebase Question

Huntingdon Valley, PA
Avatar for Ebel215
Question by Ebel215
May 29, 2000
What surface and soil temperatures do cumber seeds need to germinate. All seeds I put into the ground almost 4 weeks ago have not come up. Upon planting time we had temperatures in the 70's and 80,s but the last 2 weeks it has been rather cold for this time of year.In all of the 30 years I am gardening this never occured, it was always an easy crop to grow

Answer from NGA
May 29, 2000
It is possible that the intervening colder and wetter weather caused the seeds to rot. Cucumbers germinate at soil temperatures of between 65 and 105 degrees, with 95 technically being optimum. That is not practical in the home garden, so normally we aim for about a minimum 70 degree soil temperature. The rulke of thumb is t plant the seeds about two weeks after the last average frost date, but this year's weather has been very unusual.

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