Something Eating My Butterfly Bush - Knowledgebase Question

Grove City, OH
Avatar for pamaaron
Question by pamaaron
June 2, 2000
I read the question someone asked you about something eating their butterfly bush. I have something seriously eating mine and it's eating it down to the veins. I don't have japanese beetles or catapillars. I have little teeny tiny black somethings on mine and it's eating it really bad. It's not flea beetles, either. My girlfriend and I live 2 miles apart and she has the same thing happening to hers. What can we do? It's breaking my heart.

Answer from NGA
June 2, 2000
Based on your description I'm not sure what the pest is. You might want to call your county extension (462-6700) and see if they know what has been eating butterfly bushes in your local area this season, or possibly take them a sample to identify it for you. Depending on what it is, they should also be able to tell you how best to control it as well.

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