Time To Plant Blackberries In Southeast Texas - Knowledgebase Question

Katy, TX
Avatar for shepherd05
Question by shepherd05
June 18, 2000
When is the best time to plant blackberries in southeast Texas (Houston area)?

Answer from NGA
June 18, 2000

Blackberries are sold as plants and as root sections. Most planting is done in late winter. However, blackberry plants can be planted any month of the year in your area. Root cuttings are available from nurseries during the dormant season and are therefore usually planted at that time. If you are digging plants in the summer, you could still use root sections.

Whether planting roots or plants, you will need to give them a bit more care if you are setting them out in the hot stressful days of summer. Keep the soil moist, but not too wet to help them get off to a good start.

Thanks for the question and please let us know if we can be of more assistance!

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