Geranium Blooms - Knowledgebase Question

Vineland, NJ
Avatar for Robbie68jd
Question by Robbie68jd
June 23, 2000
How can I maximize the number of blooms on my geraniums? The plants seem healthy, but I only get one small bud at a time throughout the season instead of a plant full of blooms all the time. Are you supposed to break away the dead blooms?

Answer from NGA
June 23, 2000
Removing the spent blooms will certainly help. You should also make sure the plants are receiving plenty of sunshine and are kept evenly moist but not sopping wet. A regular fertilization program with a water soluble fertilizer for flowering plants and/or top dressing with compost every few weeks should also help. Finally, make sure the plants are planted in pots suited to their size and that they have been pinched back early in the season to encourage branching and bushiness. This last probably does the most to enhance multiple blooms at a time; another possible consideration would be to select a different named variety of geranium. In some cases the patented varieties do outperform the seedlings grown for mass bedding use.

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