Where To Plant My Trachelos..jasminodes - Knowledgebase Question

Milwaukie, OR
Avatar for DeAnna1353
Question by DeAnna1353
July 4, 2000
What do I need to know to successfully grow my Trachelos jasminodes?

Answer from NGA
July 4, 2000
Trachelospermum jasminoides, or star jasmine, is a twining vine, growing to 20'. It's slow to establish, but once it does, it has a moderate to fast growth rate. You can provide support and it will climb, or you can prune it into a shrub shape, or just allow it to sprawl on the ground where it will develop into a lovely groundcover.

Star jasmine grows in full sun to part afternoon shade and thrives in rich, moist soil. Pinch the plant back when it's young and it will develop lots of new shoots. Expect your plants to bloom in June and July.

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