Parts Of The Peony Plant - Knowledgebase Question

E. Windsor, NJ
Avatar for switlieb
Question by switlieb
July 4, 2000
This is the first year I've grown peonies. The flower was a beautiful full red bloom. Like all things this went the way of all blooms. All that is left of the flower is pods around were the base of the flower was. What are these pods? Are they seeds?

Answer from NGA
July 4, 2000
In a word, yes. There would be seeds inside as with any flower. Usually gardeners will trim off the spent flowers as soon as they fade, not only to make the plant look tidier but also to reduce the chance of fungal or bacterial infection starting on the decaying blooms. Peonies are somewhat prone to foliar problems so it is a good habit to get into. Too, peonies are usually propagated by division rather than by seed to assure that the new plants are as nice as the originals.

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