Removing Fallen Cherries - Knowledgebase Question

Salem, OR
Avatar for rbray50876
Question by rbray50876
July 6, 2000
I have 2 cherry trees on my property that are quite productive each year. However, most of the cherries are never picked and ultimatly find themselves on my lawn. Last year I spent a lot of time each day picking the cherries off the lawn with the assumption that rotting cherries might not be good for the grass. Is this really necessary? Will the rotting cherries hurt the lawn?

Answer from NGA
July 6, 2000
Cleaning up the fallen fruit is really important, so keep up the good work! If you allow the fallen fruit to remain, it can harbor insect and disease problems that can affect the cherries in subsequent years. One trick you can try to make this task easier: lay a fine-mesh net under the tree to collect the fallen fruit. Pull it up every day or two and discard the cherries, then lay it back in place. Also, you may have neighbors who would love to help you pick those extra cherries.

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