Patchouli - Knowledgebase Question

Eighty-four, PA
Avatar for thorhammer61
Question by thorhammer61
July 8, 2000
I have a Patchouli plant in a pot,and it's doing OK,but just barely.I water it with distilled water,to avoid akilinity,but what would be the proper fertilizer for it?I'm thinking Miracid,but want to be sure.

Answer from NGA
July 8, 2000
Pachouli (Pogostemon pachouli) is a perennial plant in warm climates and is related to mint. It grows best in very rich, damp soil in a rather shady location outdoors. In our area, we grow often grow it as a summer annual in a container or in the garden. I am not aware of a marked preference for either acid or alkaline soil; instead, I would suspect that the plant simply needs more water. It is also a rather large plant, growing to between two and three feet tall ultimately, so it may need to be repotted into a larger pot. I would suggest using a water soluble complete fertilizer that also includes micronutrients to provide the best fertility. You might also consider adding one of the new water holding polymers to the soil to help maintain an even moisture level.

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