I began treating them with a Fruit tree spray since it covers all grounds; fungus, disease & Insects. This is happening on left side of the stoop planting but not the right. It involves all six Azaleas but not on all leaves just a few per bush. I have concentrated feeding on the right side with Meracid and fish/kelp fertilizers but only feed left side once except for dry feeding i do in spring before buds open. Some bushes have bare branches and small leaves. Can i dormate oil be used in combo with fruit tree spray and how long before fertilizing again |
Unfortunately, based on your description it is difficult to make a definite diagnosis. Azaleas may yellow and defoliate for a number of reasons ranging from fungal infection to poor drainage to overly alkaline soil to an insect problem. Rather than treating without knowing the specific cause of the problem, I would suggest you consult with your county extension for a specific diagnosis and then work from there. In most cases it is not recommended to feed plants that are stressed, however if the problem is related to the soil pH there is a possibility that some type of soil amendment is in order. The only way to know that for sure would be to run some basic soil tests and see. Your county extension should also be able to help you with the tests and interpreting the results. In the meantime, although it is tedious, it is a good idea to clean up, remove and destroy fallen leaves and dead twigs so that there is less chance of reinfection if it is an insect or a disease problem. I'm sorry I can't be more helpful. |