Leaves Turning Brown On Lupines - Knowledgebase Question

Midland, PA
Avatar for paulau
Question by paulau
July 22, 2000
This is my first year for lupines and I loved them, but now the leaves are turning brown and the plant looks like it is dying. Is this normal for lupines or am I loosing my plants? Do I cut this off and will the plant come back next year?

Answer from NGA
July 22, 2000
Lupines can be difficult to grow. They need a spot with excellent drainage such as one would find in sandy soil. They also need a very lean rather than a rich soil. Finally, they require full sun. If any of these conditions are not met, they may sulk and possibly die. One more thing to look for is aphids, small soft bodied sucking insects. These tend to attack lupines and can cause damage. If you find some, knock them off with a stream of water from the garden hose or spray them with insecticidal soap according to the label instructions.

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