Baby's Tears And Related Ground Covers - Knowledgebase Question

Burbank, CA
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Question by mpgifts2
July 22, 2000
Are there other ground covers similar to Baby's Tears--cover that does not grows upward--just out, but looks pretty and would enhance, or set off, a 4-5" high faux rock edging around a small patio? Local nureseries say there are a couple choices, but didn't have specific names to give, and selection was poor. Baby's Tears is acceptable, but I'd like to know my options if there are others. I read a couple of your library queries/responses, and picked up the idea of wood chips over the black paper, but I think I would like SOMETHING a little green in front of the "rocks"--even if it were tiny plants scattered among the chips for accent, without hiding the rock. Location gets full So. Calif. sun all day, except late afternoon. Thank you.

Answer from NGA
July 22, 2000
Baby's Tears makes a delightful groundcover, but Blue Star Creeper or Creeping Thyme would make wonderful substitutes. Blue Star Creeper (Laurentia fluviatilis)produces tiny blue flowers all summer long. Creeping Thyme (Thymus praecox arcticus) flowers are lilac to lavender in color. Both have tiny leaves like Baby's Tears and either plant would fit in the spots you've indicated and provide real eye-appeal!

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