I planted a Royal Red Maple about two months ago. It has a one inch trunk. It seems to be drying out, although I water it regulary. It is about ten feet tall, and there are small holes in the leaves. What can I do to keep it healthy ? |
You've planted Acer platanoides, otherwise known as Norway Maple. These are deciduous trees, growing about 30' at maturity, with a dense, broad crown. Norway maples are quite adaptable, tolerating many soil and environmental conditions. They are bothered aphids, however, and an infestation can cause honeydew to drip down on surfaces below the tree. Small holes in the leaves may indicate feeding from caterpillars, wind damage, or just transplanting stress. Try to find the pest making the holes. If you can find no insects on the leaves, the damage may have occured before you planted the tree and is only now showing up. Continue to water regularly throughout the summer months. Rake up all fallen leaves at the end of the season and remove them from the garden. I expect your tree will produce healthy leaves next spring. |