Daisy-like Flowers in English Lawns - Knowledgebase Question

Oak Ridge, TN
Avatar for ajuga3
Question by ajuga3
August 2, 2000
When I was traveling in England and France, I noticed these little white daisy like flowers growing in the grass lawns. For all I know they consider these weeds much like we would dandelions. But beauty is in the eye of the beholder after all and I just loved them. My question is what are they and can I get seeds for them?

Answer from NGA
August 2, 2000
I don't know the name of the flower you saw, but here are two English horticultural organizations that might be able to help. Note, however, that it's always risky to bring in foreign seeds or plants. Many, many of our worst pest and weed species were imported, either by mistake or intentionally, with disastrous consequences.

Kew Gardens

Royal Horticultural Society

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