Enchantment Series "morning Glories" - Knowledgebase Question

Springer, OK
Avatar for jdagsmit
Question by jdagsmit
August 4, 2000
I planted my Enchantment Series in the Spring from seeds and they are approx. 7-8 inches tall, but I have only had one bloom on one plant that lasted one day and that was it. I need to know, "what do I need to do with these to get them to bloom?" I have fed them an all purpose bloom booster every other week for about a month and a half now with no results. I have tried watering more to watering less and nothing seems to help.

Answer from NGA
August 4, 2000
How frustrating! These dwarf morning glories (convolvulus) need full sun all day and an average soil to do their best. In my experience the most common limit to growth and good bloom performance is lack of sunshine and/or cool temperatures. The blooms are short lived, however they should be replaced quickly by oncoming flowers. The soil should be prepared initially by digging down and loosening it by about eight inches or more, and adding organic matter such as peat moss, compost, old rotted leaves, or aged stable manure and bedding. Basic soil tests would tell you if you need to add additional amendments such as fertilizer or lime. This plant does not require a rich soil, so it is possible you are overfertilizing. After planting, the soil moisture should be fairly even with the soil being slightly moist but not sopping wet. Several inches of organic mulch can be helpful in reglating the soil moisture level.

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