My tomatos have a dark rotten area at the stem end of the fruit. they seemed to develop well until we had a storm. I have three different types of plants so I don't think it is caused by type. I have never seen blight, could this be it.I did use mushroom manure this year. |
Rotting (other than at the blossom end) can be caused by a number of factors, several of them made worse by wet humid weather. Some possible causes would be bacterial spot, anthracnose, late blight and botrytis. You might also find a pest such as ear worms tunneling through the tomatoes with the rot setting in on the damged portions. You might want to take a sample (along with any foliage showing unusual signs) to your county extension (350-2540) for a more specific identification of the problem and suggested remedies. I'm sorry I can't bemore sepcific. |