I have had my plants since spring. I have them in the conditions you list in your Q & A section. The leaves are nice & green, then one by one, they turn pale (fade) and drop. I still have growth coming, but eventually the new ones drop. I also have them in pots. I haven't seen any bugs on the leaf's surface, and I don't think I see anything mining, so do you have any ideas? |
Here are some possible causes to help you trouble shoot; do note that Angel's Trumpets will naturally drop lower leaves as they grow taller. Our unseasonably cool nights may be causing them to slow their growth as they begin to respond to the fall and go dormant. Heat stress can also cause yellowing and leaf drop; some varieties are quite sensitive to temperatures over about 85 degrees. Overwatering and underwatering can cause leaf drop; the plants need plenty of water while they are growing actively but the soil should not be kept sopping wet. Plants in need of repotting due to growth or soil exhaustion may show leaf drop. Yellowing can be a sign of nitrogen deficiency indicating a need to repot or to increase fertilization -- These plants are very heavy feeders. Yellowing can be a sign of spider mites, so check very carefully on the undersides of the leaves and where the leaves join the stem for tiny insects and traces of webbing. |