Getting Rid of Gophers - Knowledgebase Question

Sunnyvale, CA
Avatar for nicolet
Question by nicolet
September 6, 2000
I don't mind gophers in an area of my yard that just has dirt, but now they are moving into
my lawn and are causing me to twist my ankles everytime I mow. I have tried flooding the holes,
putting soap down the holes, even human urine (someone told me this would work), but to no
avail. I really don't want to kill them, but they are driving me crazy and wrecking my nice lawn.
What do you suggest?

Answer from NGA
September 6, 2000
Although there are lots of reported remedies for getting rid of gophers, including plants and homemade concoctions, nothing really works except trapping the creatures. Gophers and moles feed on grubs and other insects in the soil. As long as you have healthy soil teaming with beneficial insects and their larvae, you'll have the potential for attracting gophers. To get rid of gophers, invest in a scissors-type gopher trap, and set it carefully - as often as necessary to catch and kill the entire population. Once you've gotten rid of the gophers, encourage your neighbors to do the same. If it's any consolation, gophers in your yard are a compliment to your skills as a gardener. They prefer rich, moist, organic soil teeming with insects!

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