I want to bring a large Streptacarpus plant into the house & try & winter it. How is the plant best handled? Do I cut it back & let it rest, cut it back, but keep watering in a well lit room, or do I leave it alone in a dark cellar till early spring? HELP-I can't find anything on this plant! Thanks |
Here are general instructions for care of a streptocarpus: When growing conditions are satisfactory a succession of blooms appear above the rosette of leaves throughout the summer. It needs a shallow pot, moist air, and an area free from drafts and cold air. Remove spent blooms. Keep the plant in average warmth, minimum 55F in winter. A brightly lit spot away from direct sun is best. Water freely, then leave alone until the soil feels dry, reduce watering in winter. Fertilize regularly with a liquid houseplant fertilizer during the months of March through August. Repot every year in the spring. Given the options you described, you might try to keep it in a cool (60 degrees) bright room, water it lightly and stop fertilizing while it slows down for the winter, then repot and resume feeding and more generous watering in the spring when it comes back into active growth. Good luck! |