Pure White Rose-of-Sharon - Knowledgebase Question

Chesterton, IN
Avatar for nhimdanh
Question by nhimdanh
October 22, 2000
We have one small Rose-of-Sharon bush in our yard that is pure white with a cream stamen (I think it's called a stamen, it's the pollen bearing part). I know it is a R-of-S because we have several other colors of R-of-S in our yard.
I haven't been able to find any more pure white R-of-S bushes. Is this one a mutant or something?
If not, where can I fine more like it. It is beautiful and I'd like more of them in front of the house.

Answer from NGA
October 22, 2000
One of the most popular named varieties of this plant (Hibiscus syriacus)is a pure white triploid called "Diana". It is often available at nurseries in the spring and a web search using the Latin name plus Diana as search terms should yield catalog sources.

You could also consider rooting tip cuttings from your plant if you would like to have additional plants that are essentially identical to it.

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