Growing Columbine From Seed - Knowledgebase Question

Trumansburg, NY
Avatar for mcfive
Question by mcfive
January 6, 2001
I harvested seeds from my Columbine this year and wondered if the seeds should be put in the refrigerator for a time before being planted in the spring. If so, for how long and what temp?

I am also interested in Witch Hazel shrubs. Where can I find them?

Answer from NGA
January 6, 2001
Aquilegia seeds tend to germinate over a long period of time (one to two months) and somewhat erratically, so patience is key. In the garden, self sown seed will tend to germinate in the late summer or the following spring but no cold treatment is usually required.

There are many types of witch hazels. Wayside Gardens 800-213-0379
offers several ornamental varieties.

A web search for Hamamelis using a search engine such as google should bring up a number of suppliers for various types of witch hazels.

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