Garden Wizard - Knowledgebase Question

New York, NY
Avatar for MLRHARMAN
Question by MLRHARMAN
January 18, 2001
COMMENT: In the garden wizard section you ask to make certain selections (bloom time, etc. from a list of times.) I would like to know the time frame when you say early,...late, etc.

I feel the categories are rather vague. Actually I am trying to find out what and when I should plant so that our garden will be in bloom for a wedding on June 16th?

Answer from NGA
January 18, 2001
It's difficult to be absolutely specific when it comes to bloom times, because plant growth and flower development is so weather dependent. Cool weather will retard flowering, warm weather can speed it up, and hot weather can stall things. So, in general terms, early means March - June and late means July - September, depending upon plant and weather conditions.

Some of the most reliable bloomers for the month of June include Columbine, Campanula, Dianthus, Daylilies, Primrose, Phlox, Centaurea, Larkspur, Pansy, Iberis (globe candytuft), Clarkia and Cineraria. If you plant several different types of flowers, you're sure to have a riot of color in your June garden.

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